0191 2963816 


Cayman Venture Ltd can offer clients a full installation service. This is usually performed on the clients site although in some cases this can be performed remotely from our Head Office. A full system configuration is performed offering the client instant access to Workmate and all of it’s features. 


Cayman Venture Ltd can provide training days which will be specifically tailored to suit the clients requirements. As standard every part of the system is covered, this includes: 
Creating users and setting specific access for the user within Workmate 
Building the clients Asset register 
Creating scheduled tasks 
Scheduling PPM jobs 
Raising breakdown/fault requests 
Completing outstanding work 
Spares implementation 
History analysis and reports 


Cayman Venture Ltd can provide a total solution in implementing and developing a clients Workmate system. From expertise in creating a full site structure through to asset maintenance and knowledge of best practice planned maintenance across a wide range of industries. 


With a valid contract a client can take full advantage of our Technical support help line, this is available during normal business hours. This is available either by telephone, remotely or via a site visit. Cayman Venture Ltd also provide out of hours technical support upon request. The help line enables clients to seek advice and help on any features within the Workmate system. 
Please complete the following form if you require assistance from us : 

Key Features:  

Great value solution 
In a market where Computerised Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) can cost tens of thousands of pounds, fully featured Workmate starts at £1490. 
Book an on site demo 
Let us come to you to show how the system could meet your needs with no obligation to buy. 
Click here to request. 
Bespoke system development 
Workmate is an off the shelf maintenance software system, but we offer bespoke development of the system, which means it can suit all types of businesses. 

Workmate Blog:   

DDD Limited 
DDD Limited install Workmate maintenance management into their Watford site. 
Pressac Communications 
Pressac Communications pick Workmate. 
Arch Timber Protection 
Arch Timber Protection select Workmate CMMS.